If you like, you can go there now, or follow the Objective Beacon to continue with the main story ( screenshot), but there are also a number of collectibles in and around the village.Īt the bottom of the stairs leading out of Abby's place you'll find the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp, where you can stop and change clothes or make upgrades if you like. There are a few NPCs you can speak to, and when you pass the waitress, she tells you there's a market in the middle of town, and it is indicated on your map. Then move through the cantina toward the village. You can eavesdrop on Abby and Jonah for a bit if you like and crack open a salvage crate in the corner nearby. She sees Lara's photo from Cozumel and says she's seen a similar inscription in the nearby ruins. Once Jonah assures her they're not with Trinity, Abby opens up a bit. Lara and Jonah meet Abby, a local business owner who is friendly but clearly wary of outsiders. VILLAGE OUTSKIRTS: Lara and Jonah enter this area through a tunnel from the eastern end of the PERUVIAN JUNGLE level. NOTE: The totals above do not include the items found in the ECHOES OF THE PAST SIDE MISSION and FORGE OF DESTINY CHALLENGE TOMB, which are part of the first DLC pack, THE FORGE, covered in a separate section. If you've already completed Kuwaq Yaku but missed a few collectibles, check out the section below on Revisiting This Level Later in the Game and the separate KUWAQ YAKU Collectibles Guide. Outfits: 2 (Nine Strides' Boots, Condor Cowl of Urqu, plus various others from the Merchant)Ĭhallenge Tombs: 1 Challenges: 3 Treasure Chests: 2 Crypts: 2 Relics: 4 Documents: 18 Murals: 10 Survival Caches: 14 Monoliths: 3 Archivist Maps: 3 Explorer Backpacks: 2 These are not counted in the total on the in-game map. *The 6th camp is found in the Challenge Tomb, the 7th and 8th appear later after you finish the level so you can revisit certain areas. Weapons/Gear: River Hawk pistol (plus various others from the Merchant)Ĭamps: 6 (Kuwaq Yaku, Jungle Cliffs, Docks, Hunting Grounds, Kuwaq Yaku Ruins, Petroleum Deposit*, Temple of Life*, Airfield Dirt Road*)